Dust Free Tile Removal Phoenix

Virtually dust free tile removal is a highly specialized demolition process which requires state of the art equipment that is designed for one task and only one task; The safe collection and containment of hazardous particulate matter, especially silica dust particles. This process actually was resisted by Construction Contractors across the Country primarily because it was thought the costs would increase but, the industry has responded with machines that not only do the job but, do the job faster and cleaner. Thereby reducing the costs.

Traditional demolition and debris removal required the use of hard labor using sledge hammers, various types of pry bars, hand held scrapers, perhaps a sander or power grinder, and if the Phoenix Contractor wanted to try to keep the dust down to a minimum they would use a shop vac.

These tools worked fairly well at removing the stone, ceramic, or porcelain materials from the floor. Apply solid repeated blows to any hard surface floor and it’s going to break apart. But removing the material that held the tiles in place was much more difficult. Thin-set is basically concrete that forms a bond between the floors foundation and whatever size and type of tile product someone desires to put down.

For the ‘Do It Yourselfer’ in Phoenix this is where they usually wished they had have hired someone else to do the job. A professional someone else is exactly who you’ll need if you’re planning on removing any hard surface floor covering especially ceramic,porcelain, or stone flooring.

Dust free tile removal cost

Costs will vary with the size of the demo, as one would expect. But the money involved will come out to less than if you were to hire unskilled manual labor to do the same work. And utilizing our high speed equipment will cut the time factor down considerably. And when our crew is done with the work your floor will be prepped to begin the next step in your project. No need for clean up because we remove all the dust and tile debris as we work.

So you save even more because you have no extra cost for clean up and we take care of everything that we took up from the floor which saves you the additional cost of disposal. Your project may very well have a dumpster but, we don’t need it and we won’t use it.

Flooring Contractors in Phoenix are aware of the new Federal OSHA rules concerning silica exposure. These rules went into effect June 23rd 2017 but even prior to this OSHA was handing out stiff penalties such as this: Proposed Penalties: $56,950.back in July 29, 2016.
Fines levied can range from not serious first time offensives to serious repeat offenders. The point is OSHA is serious about handing out stiff financial penalties for Non-Compliance. Dustsucker Demolition has a full line of dust free tile removal equipment that meets or exceeds all Federal OSHA requirements.

It’s easy not to get caught up with a heavy cost levied against you by the Federal Government just give us a call and we will be pleased to help you with your project.

Dustless Tile Removal Rental

Dustless Tile Removal Rentals seem to be actually nonexistent in the Phoenix metro area. At least as a true dustless demolition rental package. There are tools available for rental purposes but, I’d not put our Companies word forward saying that such and such a piece of equipment will be a great tool and you’ll be in compliance with the Federal Government if you should choose to use them. In addition to the machinery used you’ve got to take into consideration the skill and training that goes into safely and correctly using machinery. Stop and consider this: “Do you want to risk a possible OSHA complaint and penalty? If not we will be more than pleased to help you with your project.

Service Areas:

North Phoenix
Litchfield Park
Sun City
Glendale AZ
Paradise Valley