Dust Free Tile Removal

Flooring professionals you no longer have to take your valuable time concerning yourself with costly labor and the time intensive process of hard surface floor demolition. Especially hard surface tile removal demolition. Our dust free tile removal process meets or exceeds all new OSHA standards. And we’ll get the job done faster and leave your job site cleaner than old hammer and chisel methods of the past.

For Contractors this means being able to offer a job that will cost less and be completed within the specified time frames. Our dustless tile removal has benefits for both Contractors and Homeowners. No longer does the Contractor have to worry about trying to construct dust barriers from plastic sheeting. With our HEPA filtration system this is not necessary because our machines prevent even very fine particulate matter from polluting the air space of your job site saving you a good deal of time on the front end of the project. This is true even with our amazingly fast high speed demolition of thinset. Our equipment removes thinset as fast as a floor buffer shines a vinyl floor! And without huge clouds of pollutants in the air.
All particulate matter produced from our dustless tile removal demolition is first contained within our specially designed shroud preventing materials from entering into the air space. Immediately all debris are vacuumed and pass into our HEPA filtration system.
Our dustless demolition process meets or exceeds the new OHSA requirements concerning all Silica particulate(s) removal maintaining a healthy environment for the resident and workers.


Federal OSHA Respirable crystalline silica standard. Compliance was mandatory by June 23rd, 2017.
Exposure to inhalable crystalline silica particles can cause such health problems as lung cancer, silicosis, and other respiratory illnesses. With all forms of dustless tile removal this is of particular concern due to the fact that all tiles and the underlayment of thinset will release large amounts of crystalline silica particles into the air space during demolition process. For the homeowner this means not only hours of costly cleanup afterwards but, a potential health hazard if the cleanup is insufficient. This is why we use a high quality HEPA filtration vacuum system.

HEPA filtration Vacuums

HEPA filtration vacuums (high-efficiency particulate air [HEPA] filter) are state of the art vacuums designed to collect and contain 99.97% of dust particles as small as 0.3 microns. I’ll allow you to search on the web just how small 0.3 microns is! Smaller than tiny. Small enough to be inline with the new Federal Regulations.

No shop vac even comes close to this. Not even if you were to attempt attaching a new HEPA filter to your existing equipment. To be compliant the system needs to be designed and manufactured so that all the air sucked into the machine is expelled through the HEPA filter with none of the air leaking past and beyond the last stage of the filter. No means no, and None means none. One small leak and you’ve exposed yourself to potentially Tens of Thousands of Dollars in fines and penalties not to mention possible exposure to hazardous silica dust.

Now that is just for the actual vacuum system. For the Contractor or Homeowner who needs a tile floor removed you’ll need to make certain that all your power tools are properly attached to a HEPA filtration system that is powerful enough to pull in all hazardous particulate matter regardless of size. This means all power tools need to come equipped with proper head shrouds that allow for containment and complete vacuuming of debris.

Our dustless tile removal service is virtually free from dust and air borne pollutants. As our floor crew works to remove your existing flooring our equipment sucks away nearly all the dust at the same time. This leaves you with a sub floor that is ready for the next step in your remodel. Our method is very clean, we need to employ absolutely no plastic sheeting within the work space, no taping is required, (which may mar the surface of walls or ceilings) and no water is needed to protect the work environment from harmful particulate matter (water residue also produces it’s own problems for the Contractor. Our process eliminates these as well.) The air space within the work environment never changes. This is due to our State of The Art HEPA Filtration Systems.

Hard surface flooring can now be taken up without major disruptions to the homeowner or business owner. No longer does everything need to be removed, covered, or contained. There is less hassle and zero need for the residents to leave home and go to a motel or live out of plastic totes while the job is being done.And when our demo crew is finished you’ll save time and money because you won’t need to call in a cleaning company. We stop the mess before it happens. Every time, every job. Large or small. And you won’t need to worry about an extra dumpster for the debris, or worry about the air quality of the job site or areas nearby. We contain nearly all the dust as we work leaving you free to get on with your project.

Traditional ceramic flooring removal methods require hours of labor before, during, and after the job. All flooring demo’s create mess. But we take the entire mess with us as we leave. And if it takes us more than one day to complete the job we leave the work space clean and livable at the end of each day. And when we’ve finished removing the flooring materials your floor will be completely ready for the new floor the be started. That’s more than our business guarantee, that’s my personal Promise.

Chris Brown,
DustSucker Demolition
© 2017-2018 All Rights Reserved.

Arizona’s Premier Dust Free Tile Removal Contractor, DustSucker Demolition, provides hard surface flooring demolition to the following Phoenix metro cities:

Litchfield Park
Sun City
Cave Creek
New River
Paradise Valley